

2024-03-27 11:23:57 225


World Table (WTT)新加坡大满贯于 2024 年 3 月 10 日至 17 日在新加坡体育中心成功举办!这一年的赛事不仅为球迷带来了精彩对决,更向世界展示了可持续发展的力量。

今年,阿里云携手 WTT 共同举办“ & Play for the ”活动。公众被邀请通过“ & Play for the ”在线承诺自己的绿色运动,阿里云人工智能驱动的可持续发展解决方案能耗宝帮助将这些绿色承诺转化为独特的视觉效果。在赛事现场的大屏幕上呈现,来提升观众的环保意识。通过可视化的碳足迹教育和智能AI技术,让观众在享受精彩比赛的同时,也能将体育精神与对环境的保护誓言融合传递给全世界的球迷心中。

The World Table (WTT) Smash was held at the Hub from March 10th to 17th, 2024! This year's event not only to fans but also the power of to the world.

This year, Cloud with WTT to the " & Play for the " . The was to make to green " & Play for the ," with Cloud AI- , , these green into . These will be on the big at the event venue, ' of . With and -edge AI , the event the of sport with , this to fans .


回顾去年,阿里云人工智能驱动的可持续发展解决方案 (能耗宝)首次应用于首届奥林匹克电竞周,协助测量及分析比赛临时场馆搭建的碳排放量,并提供有关材料及设备使用的数据洞察。

back at last year, Cloud AI- - - has been to and from built to host the first Week, data- on the of and .




These not only the 's of and to on their own green , but also set a new for in the . Cloud not only its and deep for but also eco- , the goals.

The 2024 WTT Smash that the of and care can a new era for . Cloud will to the path of green and the of with the of .